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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Successful Slimming starts from something easy.

Is slimming equals to success?

I have been conducting a number of trainings for corporate team bonding as well as personal health & wellness program.  I always enjoy training because it allows me to share my practical experience as well as learn the experience of the participants.

Many a times, the questions from the participants are good reminder for myself to the important principles that I am teaching.

Yesterday, I was conducting the third session of Ultimate Slimming Intensive workshop for Civil Service Club. It was the last session.

Although, this is not a big group, interestingly, it has lots of learning if the participants really allow themselves to listen and internalize the sharing session.

The uniqueness of Ultimate Slimming Intensive workshop is that it teaches the participants to REALLY enjoy food and stay slim at the same time.  It does not require participants to put on jogging shoe and workout hard 3~4 times a week.  This workshop also discourage participants to spend money on expensive health supplement on slimming pills.

The intent of the workshop is to empower participants to use their natural ability to stay slim or lose weight, a truly mind, body and emotion balance approach.

One of the module of the class is to set the participants perspective right to their successful slimming journey.  Interestingly, as we were sharing an important, scientific proven health information to the participants, there is a strong mental & emotional resistance from one of the participants.

It requires the participants to gradually changing their sleeping pattern.  Not instantaneously, but gradually.
However, from the questions asked by the participants, I knew that she has many "little voice" that may stop  her from achieving the goals she wanted in life, including having a slimmer and fit body.

Through out a short question and answering sessions, she kept finding stories, reasons (or excuses?) & evidence that stopping her to make a small little changes in her lifestyle.

The fact is, if her lifestyle is supporting her goal to be slim and fit, she wouldn't be in the classroom at the first place.

As Albert Einstein said, "Repeating the same thing and hoping to achieve different results, is called insanity".

For this participant, she probably have to re-examine her reason why she need to slim down.
Is slimming a strong intent for her?
Is it strong emotionally driven reason or just a wish or want, good to have goal?
My good guess would be, slimming is not her top 3 priority at all.

If successful slimming within 2 months is her top priority and she truly wants it, then she would have to understand her thinking pattern that is holding her back at her comfort zone.

Probably, there is Fear of changes.
During our coaching session, we work specifically with individual to understand their "little voice" by increasing their mind power.
At times, it would requires a slight modification of lifestyle to coach the participants to achieve autopilot slimming.

For this participants, she probably can start to repeat to herself that "I am willing to let go the good things in order to receive a better one" and thinking deeply what is the meaning of that statement to her.

In short, successful slimming start from something easy, what we tell ourselves everyday and thinking deeply what successful slimming really means to us.

Back to my questions at the start of this article, is slimming equals to success?
Yes, it means a lot to many. If we have habit of overcome our non-supporting beliefs in achieving goals, we have habit of being successful.

1 comment:

dolphin_101 said...

Its true.... I apply one techniques I learnt during the slimming workshop on my slimming goal and career goal. Guess what! I lost another 1kg and receiving more enquires, more deals, more income n more opportunities! :-D