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Saturday, May 7, 2011


Finally, the recent activities of Singapore General Election has ended 1 hour ago with the official ending of the polling day. What will be the outcome is sometimes hard to be predicted.
Regardless of the result, the process is more awakening.
It was an interesting experience for me to read so many online articles, chat, facebook posting and blogging and etc for the past 9 days.
One bordering trend for me is that, it seems like most of the posting is about complaining, venting anger and raise hatred.
Many people had taken the opportunity to bombard the ruling party as if they have done nothing right. (All wrong but nothing right?)
It makes me feel like the whole society is full of people who like to complain or finding flaw only.
It takes me to ponder what had happened to this society? No doubt that there are many areas that can be improved but I think most of the view and opinion online are one-sided.
Isn't it irony that those people fighting for "justice" are only giving an "unjust" one-sided view?
There were very few praise (if any) for the government for anything they have done right. I am surprise to see so many bad comments attacking whatever the ruling party has uttered out.
Are you saying we are living in "hell" for the past 5 years? Does it means you are totally not happy with your living condition for the past five years?
Have you ever post a comment in facebook celebrating your joy/blessing/success/happy moment/ for the past 3 years? If yes, then we need to have a check and balance here.
I am also very surprised because it has been 5 years and suddenly now that so many people (and some self-professed "very human" or "guru") just digging the flaw of the policy within 9 days.
Where have you all gone for the past 4.5 years?
I may not know all the policies that have been passed over the last 5 years.
However, I think the government has done a good job to cushion the impact of financial crisis during 2008 - 2009.
It had helped many to save their job by spending huge amount on re-training and upgrading the skills of the existing work force, especially the middle age workers.
We all know the hard reality, it is harder for a middle age worker to find job once they lost their job. And those middle age workers could be the fathers or mothers of the current young voters.
I wonder has anybody say a "thank you for saving my job"? Or are they just pure complaining "no pay raise". Is this the ugly side of human-being?
Some people even dig out "sad" video to raise emotion and raise hatred towards the ruling party.

My questions to those "guru" or "supreme being" is "- As a "successful, financially well to do, morally high people, what have you done for the past five years to make things better?
IF you have done, my applause and respect to you. If you didn't, then what a hypocrisy we have here? Integrity is the essence of everything, isn't it?
Most importantly, looking forward, now that you have "dug" out so many sad stories of the society, as a better of resident, are you taking up your social responsibility to help others or are you just going to sit there do nothing, waiting for the authority to help those needy?
My wish for all residents here is, don't just sit there for the next five years, waiting for opportunity to in the limelight again. Do something fruitful besides using mouth.

I am glad that the GE activities had raised the awareness of the needy people in the society. My hope is, as a conscious resident, lets not forget our own social responsibility first. Don't wait for the authority to step in.
If we see somebody had an accident on the road, do we just wait for the police to come or do we step up and offer a helping hand first?
I hope we just don't stand behind the tree do nothing, except finding opportunity to complain if and when the police arrive late.
In my learning journey as an entrepreneur, one phrase I hold dearly is "For things to change, I must change first". Lets do our part as a conscious resident, volunteer ourselves first.
Don't wait. Please don't do nothing and wait for another 5 years.
What has this General Election got to do with success? Indeed, it has. "Responsibility" is the fundamental of all success. Lets not forget our "social responsibility" and be a successful and gracious resident.

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